Zandbergstraat 14 / 5555 LB Valkenswaard (NL) ☎ + 31(0)651 587 997
Opening hours: Friday and Saturday: 10:00 till 16:00 and by appointment.


Exotic  plants
These plants with an "exotic" appearance can all be found in our garden. Usually they are also in stock. With these species we have got good experience. Some will need winter protection, others are hardy. Or in the case of Eucalyptusssen and Tetrapanax you need some luck.

Nearly all pictures are taken in my garden.

Eucalyptus niphophila (syn. Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp niphophila) is the most hardy species. In a wind-sheltered place it can survive -15 °to -18 °C.
The subspecies Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp 'debeuzevillei' (picture right) has leaves that are even bigger and thicker than E. niphohila. This species is probably the hardiest Eucalyptus. In a place sheltered from the wind it can survive -15 ° to -19 °C. This 'Snowgum' has no juvenile leaves.
Cautleya spicata 'Robusta' (picture left) This is one of the most hardy gingers and therefore this species can be used as hardy perennial. The flowers are yellow / orange flowers. Flowering starts in July or August. This species grows best in a humus-rich soil in partial shade. A winter cover of leaves is permitted, but not really necessary.  
Cautleya cathcartii (picture left) This new species has leaves with a purple underside. Very ornamental.
Cautleya spicata 'Bleddyn's Beacon' 
(picture right) New! With thicker leaves and colorful flowers.
Cautleya lutea (picture left) With yellow flowers.
Hedychium cocineum 'Tara' (picture middle) at the end of the growing season it becomes large orange flowers. Cover well in the winter.
Hedychium densiflorum 'Assam Orange' (picture left) One of the most reliable hardy species with striking narrow orange flowers.

Hedychium densiflorum 'Stephen' has large yellow flowers and is quite hardy.
Hedychium densiflorum 'King'  Als 'Assam Orange' maar iets groter. (Planten die vorig jaar als 'Sorung' verkocht zijn waren 'King')
Hedychium spicatum (picture right) can become a sturdy plant with creamy white flowers in late summer.
Hedychium spicatum species Charles (picture right) This form has a thick decorative leaves and a more open flowering.
Hedychium maximum (picture left) Up to more than 2 meters high, with large yellow flowers in late summer. Needs mulching.
Hedychium greenii  Beautiful, species with reddish leaves and orange-red flowers. Not very hardy.
Alpinia japonica (picture right) has glossy leaves that can tolerate up to -10 °C. frost. Hardy to -20 °C with cover.
Also present are the edible Zingiber mioga and the variegated form 'Dancing Crane'
(picture left) This fern has quite large glossy leaves and spreads by underground rhizomes. Once established it can survive a harsh winter. Sheltered, moist, humus rich soil and semi-shade.
Blechnum chilense (picture right) Different and higher with red new leaves.

Woodwardia radicans (picture right) has large leaves with a real tropical appearance. In my garden it has survived all the harsh winter since 1996. The hardiness of this species, which is native to the Canary Islands, Madeira und some place in southern Europe has long been underestimated. Sheltered, moist, humus rich soil andsemi-shade.
Woodwardia unigemmata (picture left) The new leaves of this species are reddish. Probably something more hardy than W. radicans..

Begonia grandis  (picture right) is hardy and can overwinter outdoors. This species is native to China and southern Japan. The underside of the leaf is deep red. Best to grow in semi-shade. The pink flowers appear in summer. Usually there is also Begonia sinensis. This species has lighter pink flowers. 
Begonia grandis 'Sapporo'
 (picture left) In all parts more red and one of the hardiest.
Begonia 'Torsa' (picture left) Hardy hybrid of a Bhutanese species and Begonia grandis. The leaves are big (20 till 30 cm)
Begonia 'Metallic Mist'  
(picture right) Protect well in the winter
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Setaria palmifolia CHB 2017 (picture right) The roots of this exiting form is able to survive outsite. We don't know the limits of hardiness, so it is better to mulch it before the winter. Not from seeds. available. Very special.
Beperkt leverbaar.Setaria palmifolia 'Kimmei' (foto rechts)(seedling CHB 2017) Deze bijzondere  zaailing is ontstaan uit de vorstbestendige vorm en is op de kwekerij ontdekt.  Als nieuwe kleurrijke buitenplant is dit een grote verrijking van het grassen assortiment. Vanaf juni verkrijgbaar.  Een plant per klant zolang de voorraad strekt. (5 liter € 90)

Colocasia gaoligongensis (picture left) Also for outside with winterprotection. It has a black spot on the leaf. Available
Colocasia esculente 'Pink China' 
(picture right) is probably the hardiest Colocasia. This impressive plant has survived all winters from 2010 in my garden and each year it becomes up to 2 meters high (see photo). A thick winter cover is recommended because, like Musa basjoo, the roots should not freeze. Choose a warm, humus-rich, well moist place.
Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' fig (picture left) This variety produces edible fruit in early autumn.  Hardy to -15 °C. Figs sometimes are freezing back but they recovere well from the roots. Look for a warm place and a soil not too rich.
Musa basjoo: (picture right) A banana for outside. In our climate it can overwinter outdoors and every year and reach a height of 3 to 5 meters. The roots and stems should be well protected with old leaves and straw against frost.
Montbretia (Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora) (picture right) This hybrid cultivar comes from South Africa. With light green grass-like leaves and flowers in July and August with deep orange flowers. Height 60 to 80 cm.
Persicaria virginiana (picture left) Every year this compact growing perennial is a striking appearance in my garden. It becomes about 80 cm high. In November there are the flowers as contrasting deep red needles.

Trachycarpus fortunei (picture left) In our cool climate this palm is growing remarkably well and can tolerated, sheltered from the wind, temperatures of - 14 to - 18 °C. With additional protection in the form of straw mats this palm is also able to survive outside in our colder winters and can develop into a mature tree.
Rhapidophyllum hystrix (picture right in my garden) Nedelpalm. The hardiest palm. Not available.