Zandbergstraat 14 / 5555 LB Valkenswaard (NL) ☎ + 31(0)651 587 997
Opening hours: Friday and Saturday: 10:00 till 16:00 and by appointment.

Bamboo Catalog 2025
                                                         Pricelist all Bamboos

The newest species you can find in 'New'. (

Here you can find nearly all the species and varieties of Bamboo Nursery Kimmei.
Not all of these species are always for sale. For availability check the pricelist or mail or call.

The hardiness in the winter also depends on the length of the frost period in combination with sun and wind.
Non-hardy species survive only if temperatures don't fall far below freezing, from 0/-8°C
Moderate hardy species can stand for short periods temperatures from -8 en -15°C
Hardy species can survive temperatures from -15/-20°C
Very hardy species can survive temperatures from -20/-25°C

Species with  ▲ belong to 'Best Choice'.
Species with are newer, ask for availability.
Species in 'thick green' are shown in an image.

(ARUNDINARIA = genus; gigantea = species; 'Macon' = varieties)

Acidosasa gigantea  (picture above left) Moderately hardy giant with graceful leaves. One of the most beautiful species for a not to cold climate. Bernard in his park 'Bambous au Provence'.
Height:: 6-12 m.  sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-12°C
-gigantea 'Macon'  (picture above right) The hardiest North American species. Could still be wintergreen  after -25°C.
Height:: 3-6 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-25°C
-gigantea 'Tecta'  Dwarf form USA (Ned Jaquith)
Height:: 2-3m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-23
Bambusa multiplex 'Alfonse Karr'  (picture above left) Tropical species with yellow canes and green stripes.
Height:: 3-6 m.   sun till shade   hardy between -4/-8°C
-tuldoides  Tropical species. 
Bashania auctiaurita  (picture above right)  (Kerhet)   Broad rounded leaves.
Height: 3-5 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
-fangiana (= Sarocalamus faberi)  Graceful leaves that looks like Fargesia nitida.
Height: 1-2 m.   half shadow   hardy between -20/-25
Bashania fargesii   (picture above left) Giant bamboo with bigger leaves and long rhizomes. From the cool mountains of central China.  A real running species.
Height: 5-8 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-qingchengshanensis    (picture above right)  Smaller version of Bashania fargesii. The best evergreen bamboo with bigger leaves. Introduced by Kimmei. This bamboo survived many very cold winters in the middle of Sweden and is one of the hardiest bamboos.
Height: 3-6 m.+   sun till shadow    hardy between -24/-30°C
-sp.  Bashania-like with light green bigger leaves.
Height:: 2-6 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21
Brachystachyum densiflorum   (picture above left)  Young shoots are colorfully striped. Upright.
Height:: 3-5 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
Chimonobambusa hejiangensis  Powerful growing seedling.
Height: 4-7 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
-macrophylla  Nodes prominent like Ch. tumidinoda but with larger leaves and more hardy.
Height 2-5 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-macrophylla f. intermedia Seedling..
Height 2-5 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-marmorea  Marbled young shoots.
Height: 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
-marmorea 'Variegata'  Yellow striped leaf and yellow culms.
Height: 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
-marmorea 'Yellow grove'  Yellow sulcus on green culms. Available.
Height: 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
-quadrangularis ‘Joseph de Jussieu'  Yellow culms with green sulcus.
Height 2-6 m.   half shadow till shadow    hardy between -8/-15°C
-quadrangularis 'Suow'  (picture above right)  Yellow culms with some green stripes.
Height 2-6 m.   half shadow till shadow    hardy between -8/-15°C
-quadrangularis ‘Yellow Grove'   Green culms with yellow sulcus. Available.
Height 2-6 m.   half shadow till shadow    hardy between -8/-15
Chimonobambusa tumidinoda (picture above left (Elke Borowsky) and right)  (syn: Qiongzh. tumidinoda) Nodes prominent. Walking stick bamboo. Charley Chaplin had a walking stick of this bamboo. A real running species.
Height 2-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-15
CHUSQUEA ( see more new species in "New")
Chusquea andina  (picture above right)  Alpine dwarf with hard blue leaves. Needs a drained soil and a sunny locality. Different seedlings.(Ian)-(Ned 2009 and 2007-2008). Some are green, some are more blue. "Blue Andes" is a name given to the more blue forms.  Nearly impossible to propagate.
Height about 1-2 m.   sun   hardy between -15/-20°C
-culeou  Southernmost growing bamboo species in South American with massive culms. Variabel species.
Height 2-5 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
-culeou 'Aisen' Seedlings from a hardy plant (Net Jaquith)
Height 3-4 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
-culeou 'Caña Prieta'  (picture above left) In flower!  Vital new seedlings are offered now.
The young canes can become black in the sun. Ornamental.
Height 3-4 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
Chusquea gigantea (picture above left) In flower!  New seedlings are offered now.
-montana (Claus) (picture above right)  The hardiest Chusquea in my garden. Sterted as a seedling some years ago.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-20
-mimosa subsp. australis  (picture down left) Fine decorative leaves. Started to flower in 2023
 Height 3 till 4 meter   sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-12°C
-montana ?
  Impressive seedling from Chili.
Height between 3 and 6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-16
-tenuiflora  In test.  New semi climbing species.  
Hardy between -12/-16
Drepanostachyum falconeri 'Damarapa' (picture above right) ( Syn: Himalayacalamus falconeri 'Damarapa') White, pink and green striped on the culms and some leave variegation. Very ornamental!
Height 2-4 m.   half shadow   hardy between 0/-8°C
-khasianum 'Shillong' Seeds collected by David Stapleton: ('Shillong' differs in its smaller, narrower, thinner leaves, shorter stature, more red leaf sheaths and purple rings both above and below the nodes.)
Height 2-3 m.   half shadow   hardy between 0/-8°C
-merettii 'Kerhet' (before: Himalayacalamus cupreus 'Kerhet') Fine decorative leaves.
Height between 3-6 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between 0/-8°C
-microphyllum  Very fine leaves and handsome.
Height  2-6 m.   half shadow   hardy between 0/-8
Drepanostachyum scandens (picture above right)  (syn. Ampelocalamus scandens) Semi-climbing species.
Height between 2-10 m.   half shadow   hardy between 0/-8°C
-scandens CHB03.ch10 (syn. Ampelocalamus scandens) A more hardy form.
Height between 2-10 m.   half shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
FARGESIA (clumping bamboos)
Fargesia angustissima (picture above left)   Strong Fargesia with small leaves. Outside only in sheltered warm places. Propagated bij hand! This original clone that we imported from China has started to flower in 2023.
Height 4-7 m. sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-15
Fargesia albocerea Yunnan 2  (picture above right)   (syn. Borinda albocerea) With blue white young canes and white culm sheaths. Introduced by Kimmei. Very ornamental but not the hardiest bamboo.
Height 2-4 m.    sun till half   shadow hardy between 0/-8°C
-apicirubens (picture above left)  New name for what was formerly Fargesia dracocephala. (see there). Looks like Fargesia robusta but is smaller. New Generation.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-apicirubens 'White Dragon' (old name: F. dracocephala 'White Dragon') Variegated leaves. Ornamental in the spring with the new leaves. New Generation
Height 1-2 m.   half shadow till shadow    hardy between -18/-21°C
-sp. Cangshan 3 (Linder) (= Fargesia communis ?) Collected by Rob Linder.
Height 3-6 m.   half shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
-communis Yunnan 95 6 Fargesia communis-Demoly.Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 3-6 m.   half shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
-contracta (Borinda contracta) Handsome, young culms are grey-blue and nearly solid. Atractive.
Height 3-5 m.   half shadow hardy   between -8/-15°C
crassinoda 'Kew' Very fine leaves with culms coloring to red in the spring sun.
Height 2-5 m.   half shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
crassinoda 'Pitt White' Very fine leaves.
Height 2-5 m.   half shadow   hardy between -8/-15
Fargesia denudata 'Lancaster 1 (picture above right)  With thin leaves and overhanging branches. In 1986 introduced from China as a seedling . New Generation!
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
Fargesia denudata 'Leda' (picture above left)  In this Lancaster 1 mutation 70% of the culms shows variegation in the spring and early summer. To keep this variegation cut away the green culms.
Named after Fargesia murieliae 'Leda' that had the same charasteristics but it deid after flowering.
Height 2 m.  shady    hardy between -20/-25
-denudata 'Lancaster 2'  Different clone but looks nearly the same as number 1. New Generation.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25
-denudata 'Xian 1'  (picture above left and right) Strong powdered young culms with narrow gracefull leaves. Collected together with Xian 2 at 2500 meter altitude. Reasonable upright growing. New Generation! Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-25°C
-denudata 'Xian 2'  Young culms with wider branching. A powerful grower. In the sun the branches can get reddish. New Generation!  Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25
Fargesia demissa (Lanzhou) One of the most hardy bamboos that grows at the most northern limit. In their natural growing place near "Lanzhou" under difficult circumstances F. demissa only gets between 1 and 2 meter high but in the west it will become somewhat higher. The different clones gradually shows their own character. Sometimes it is seen as a subspecies of F. nitida but according Demoly F. demissa differs enough to have the status of a species. In China some years ago there had been experiments with sowing. This would indicate that F. demissa is "new Generation"!? The supplier from China has confirmed this.
Now we cultivate the following 2 forms and In "New" you find some new introductions that are also available.
-demissa F  Long narrow leaves and thicker canes. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
-demissa 'Gerry'  (picture above right and left)  (G) This is the Fargesia with the most character. Robust, relatively thick and spaced culms changing in the sun to deep purple (black). Promising. Introduced by Kimmei. Chosen to 'Bamboo of the year 2014' in Germany. In the winter it is not very green but then it is still a remarkable plant.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till half shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
-dracocephala (see: Fargesia apicirubens and Fargesia 'Rufa')
Fargesia frigida 1048  (= Borinda frigidorum - Kew Clone) (picture above left)  Deciduous but hardy species with fine leaves.
Height  2-3 m. partial shade    winter hardy between  -15/-20°C
-fungosa 'Burgundy' (= Borinda?) New Generation In the sun the canes becomes somewhat reddish.
This name has changed by  Chris Stapleton into Tongpeia fungosa 'Burgundy' 
Height 3-7 m.    sun till half shadow    hardy between -8/-13°C
New seedlings from China.
"Fargesias gaolinensis" was discoverd by Professor Hongchao TAN near the place Gaolin County Songming in Yunnan, China on 2100 Meter .Till now it was waiting for a formal identification as a new species, so the improved name gaolinensis was changed by  Chris Stapleton into Tongpeia arachnoides. .
Confusion and the end of a myth: Harvested seeds of F. gaolinensis near Song Ming were named Fargesias songmingensis but they represent at most a different variety. Other local varieties that were given local names as Fargesia fungosa, F. huaningensis, F. papyrifera, F. similaris, F. songmingensis and F. yunnanensis also belong to F. gaolinensis.
Fargesia gaolinensis is clumping bamboo that is locally used in the paper industries. This vigorous growing species can easily reach 8 to 12 meters and the canes can reach a diameter of up to 2 inches, but it is limited hardy. (till about - 12 ° Celsius and not till - 25 ° Celsius as mentioned on different websites)

Fargesia gaolinensis  = Tongpeia arachnoides. (picture above right and down left) 
Height 8-12 m.    sun till half shadow    hardy between -8/-15°C
Fargesia albocerea 'Black' comes from a different source. This bamboo represents a local variety of Tongpeia arachnoides with canes that can discolor to dark more easy.
Fargesia sp. Jiuzhaigou 1 (picture above right)  (Fargesia Jiu) Colorful and graceful bamboo with small, narrow leaves. In the spring the culms can become red. Collected as a seedling (3000 m in northern Sichuan), The correct name is unknown. Tolerates sun. Excellent for man-sized hedges. New Generation! (Fargesia sp. Jiuzhaigou 1 was named by Max Riedelsheimer and me)
This bamboo differs as much from Fargesia nitida than  F. denudata differs from F. murieliae. And it has also a different flowering cycles, what means no direckt pollunation with the real nitida is possible. In the USA this bamboo already has the status of the species Fargesia nitida. In my and also Max Riedelsheimers opinion this bamboo is an undescribed and overlooked species, closely related to Fargesia nitida.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25
Now we only cultivate the following forms, all new generation:
Fargesia sp. Jiuzhaigou Willumeit 4
  (picture above right)  Young culms color to almost black in the spring. Not an upright bamboo.  Also named 'Black Cherrÿ'
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
-sp. Jiuzhaigou Willumeit 8  ( Sun Line) A smaller and compacter form than Jiuzhaigou 1. It grows more upright and the leaves are curling less in the winter.  It is also better in the sun. Also named 'Sun line'
Height 2 m. +   sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C  
-sp. Jiuzhaigou Willumeit 9  Loose and strong growing. Takes some space.
-sp. Jiuzhaigou 'Genf'  Handsome bamboo with delicate fine leaves.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
-sp. Jiuzhaigou (B1) (picture above left)  Newer, strong and upright growing plant with green canes that can color into yellow.
Good Wintergreen.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
Fargesia sp. Jiuzhaigou 'Deep Purple' (picture above left and down left (Elke Borowsky) (B2) Strong and ornamental plant with canes that color into deep-purple in the spring and early summer. Later this color fades away. The blue-green leaves curl less than most other F. jiuzhaigou types. New Generation!  In my garden this colorful plant attracts the visitors. Better Wintergreen than Jiuzhaigou 1 because the leaves tend not to roll.
Height 2-3 m.+    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
-sp. Magnus Handsome bamboo collected in Sichuan with smaller leaves.
Height 1,5 till 2 m.?    sun till shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
-sp. 'Nanping 97'   Collected as 'Fargesia nitida' in Nanping' 2800 meter This handsome bamboo with glossy leaves is certainly a different species. The leaves don't curl. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 2-3 m.    sun till shadow    hardy between -15/-20°C
-lushuiensis  (picture above right)  Borinda lushuiensis - Yunnan 95 4)  In Cornwall (Carwinian) this impressive and beautiful bamboo is more than 12 meters high. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height: 5-12 m.+    half shadow till shadow    hardy between 0/-8°C
Fargesia murieliae  Between 1990 and 2000 almost all the plants has flowered. Because Fargesia murieliae outside China was represented by only one clone, there were only seeds formed by self-pollination. Due to this it has been difficult to find good and strong plants between the seedlings. Finally not one selection of the offspring of the old Fargesia murieliae has the vitality and vigor of the mother plant and in warmer climats all are sensitive for illnesses and mealy bugs.
The following varieties come from seed collected in the wild in Shennongija in China and are being tested. These are stronger than the offspring of the Fargesia murieliae (Bimbo, Jumbo or Superjumbo) that was growing in Europe. But in a warmer climate these group is also sensible to diseases like mealy bugs.
Fargesia murieliae 'Blue Lizard' (picture above right) (seedling Shennongjija) 
Fargesia murieliae 'Red Zebra' (picture above right) (seedling Shennongjija, before named 'Purple Dragon'
-murieliae 'Bimbo' (picture above left) 
Not in our sortiment anymore, too sensitive for diseases.
Also out of my collection: Almost all the seedlings of Fargesia murieliae, which have many weak features through self-pollination, we no longer have in our assortment. There is now a large choice of much better Fargesias.

Fargesia nitida 'anceps', 'Chienevieres', 'De Belder', 'Eisenach' Gansu 95/2 'McClure' and 'Nymphenburg' have flowered everywhere and are no longer sold. Different clones of Fargesia nitida were flowering and this time there was, as in natural situation in China, cross fertilization. Such fertilization generally makes stronger and more vital offspring. And there was the unexpected opportunity to use the old Fargesia murieliae as one of the parents. This 'Phoenix' who actually should have died 10 years earlier was rejuvenated by tissue culture in the laboratory and some plants still were alive and flowering by these hormonal disturbances. So, this "super clone" unexpectedly plays an important role in hybrid fertilization with Fargesia nitida. With the good properties of both species.  
-nitida x murieliae 'Aurora" (Big leaved form) Sturdy hybrid. For a Fargesia with thick new blue canes and bigger leaves.
Height between 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20 / -25°C.

-nitida x murieliae 'Obelisk'  (picture above left) Origin: Fargesia nitida ‘Nymphenburg' or  Fargesia nitida 'Eisenach' pollinated with  Fargesia murieliae. Strong and reasonable upright growing hybrid with pretty green leaves.
Also in cold climates this is one of the best to make hedges.
 Height between 3 and 4 m.+    sun till half shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C  Probably the best!
-nitida x murieliae 'Schensbossen (picture above right)  (nitida (Neufeld) x murieliae (Herman) Powerful seedling with thicker culms and a light green leaf color. The strongest seedling I know.
The leaves are rolling less in the winter than many other F. nitida. The culmsheaths fall off quickly and therefore the plant is not  sensitive to mealybugs. The leaves are a little broader than his cousin "Obelisk".
Also in cold climates this is one of the best to make hedges.
Height between 3-4 m. +. Sun to partial shade and hardy between -20 / -25°C.
-nitida 'Inthe' Dwarf that came out of seeds from F. nitida 'Gansu'. Mybe the smallest Fargesia's. With smal leaves.
Height between 1 m +  sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-25
-nitida 'Jürgen' (picture down left)  (Gansu A) Fountain-like growth habit. Striking lower selection. Is even finer and smaller than F. nitida 'Volcano.
Height between 1,5 and 2 m.  sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-25°C
Fargesia nitida 'Songpan 1' (picture down left) Upright growth and smal leaves. But is has not much adaptability  to different conditions. Only for the shade on a moist place. Not for sale.
Height between 1 and 2 meter   half shadow    hardy between -20/-25°C
-nitida 'Songpan 3' (picture above right)  Seedling of a Fargesia nitida imported from Songpan. Graceful and reasonable upright growing dwarf. Handsome. It has very delicate bright green leaves.
Height between 1.5 and 2 m. sun till half shadow   Hardy between -20 / -25°C
-nitida 'Songpan 2' (picture down left)  Vital dwarf seedling from Songpan. Promising. With some outstanding features. Probably for sale in 2024. This bamboo will become not nuch higher than 1 meter.
Height about 1 meter   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-25°C.
-nitida 'Volcano' (picture above right) Origin: Selection from seedlings in 2005. Base: 'Gansu' pollinated with nitida. Compact fountain-like habit with drooping leaf (nitida 'Gansu' / nitida 5). A very special healthy bamboo.
Height about 2 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -20/-25
Fargesia nitida 'Viking' (picture above right) Origin: Selection from seedlings in 2005. Base: murieliae pollinated with nitida. Vital and handsome real hybrid with grass green leaves.
Height 3 till 4 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-25
Fargesia nitida '13' (picture above left) Seedling Eisenach, a slow growing dwarf form for the shadow or partly shade, with somewhat similar leaf as Shibataea. Interesting because of its short length.
Height between 1 and 2 m.   sun to partial shade   hardy -20/-25°C.
Fargesia nivalis  (picture see: Yushania velutina)  Yushania velutina seems to belong to the Fargesia group. This bamboo with its most delicate leaves is not very hardy.  In a moderate winter it sheds first its leaves. In a colder winter it can freeze back but it will usually recover. The name Fargesia nivalis implies that this Fargesia has a connection with snow. It is sun and warm tolerant.  Height: 3-4 m. Hardyness: -12/-15°C.  Available  
-papyrifera (picture above right) (= Borinda papyrifera 'Stapleton 1046') Yunnan province at an altitude of 3600 m. Can become 8 meter high with canes up to 6 cm thick. This true Borinda papyrifera is collected in 1995 by Chris Stapleton. The growing power of this beautiful bamboo with blue culms is enormous.This is the original mother plant of the variety offered in the trade as Fargesia 'Blue Dragon' which has been propagated in the laboratory. Not very hardy.
My plants are manual propagated
Height 6-8 m.   half shadow   hardy between -8/-12°C
Fargesia robusta 'Campbell' (picture above right and left) Outstanding Fargesia robusta form with smaller leaves than most of the other Robustas. The white paper-thin sheaths at the shiny olive green young stems contrast beautifully. One of the best and most beautiful not invasive species. The leaves don't roll in th wintertime. When the soil is rich and not dry this species can stand full sun. Ideal for hedges.
Height 3-4 m+.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C

-robusta 'Pingwu'  Looks a little Farg. robusta 'Campbell' but it grows bigger and wider and is less hardy and showy. The culm sheaths are more yellowish. Cutting from the original plant.
Although "Pingwu" was introduced by Kimmei  the "Campbell form is my favorite.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-robusta 'Robusta' Ornamental with bigger leaves.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-robusta 'Wolong' Much larger leaves but more wind and frost-sensitive. This is the only true "Wolong". Many clones with larger leaves are wrongly in circulation as "Wolong" !
Height 3-5 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-robusta 'Wenchuan' With outstanding culms and quite large leaves. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 3-4 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
New forms see: "New"
Fargesia 'Rufa' (picture above left)  (= Fargesia dracocephala 'Rufa'- Stapleton) (Gansu 95/1) Bamboo with a special character. Bright green, lush leaves gracefully by hanging branches. After the severe winter of February 2012 one of the best green bamboos. Very useful . Renamed by Chris Stapleton to Fargesia dracocephala "Rufa". Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 2 m.+   sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-'Rufa Valkenswaard’ (picture above right) Strong growing higher form from our own garden.
Height 3 m. +  sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-23°CC
-'Rufa' Variegated form'  (picture at the very bottom) See under the button: "New"
-similaris See:papyrifera KR 7613
-sp. Green Dragon  Collected in Sichuan. This fine leaved upright bamboo is quite the same as F. Jiuzhaigou Willumeit 8
Height 2 m.+   sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-25
Fargesia sp. scabrida (picture above left) Handsome, narrow, shiny leaves. Looks a bit like Fargesia robusta but the culms stand farther apart. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 3-4 m.+ sun till shadow hardy between -18/-21°C
-sp. scabrida 'Silver Dragon' (picture at the very bottom - look in 'New')
-sp. Taibashan 1  (picture above right) Max) Collected in Taibashan. Has small narrow leaves and an open habit. According to Demoly, these two bamboo species collected in Taibashan are F. qinlingensis. F. qinlingensis has flowered around 2000 in China so we think it is "New Generation".
Height 2-3 m. sun till shadow hardy between -20/-25
Fargesia sp. Taibashan 2 (picture above left) (Max) Collected in Taibashan. Is has broader leaves and the culms can color to purple. Strong grower and handsome. New Generation".
Height 2-3 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-25°C
-utilis (Tung Chuan 3) (picture down left) This bamboo can have culms upto 2,5 cm diameter. It grows from the base in an upward curve. Narrow soft leaves.
Height 3-4 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
-yulongshanensis 'Linder'   (picture above right) Impressive Fargesia that looks a bit like Fargesia utilis but it grows a bit more upright. The hardiness is the same as F. utilis or even a bit better.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
-yunnanenis.((picture down right) (Hsueh et Y) (Tom) Thick canes and not very hardy.This is the true F. yunnanensis
Height 5-8 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between 0/-8
KR A new category bamboos were introduced into our gardens over the past 10 years. They are looking like subtropical bamboos but some of them have survived temperatures till - 20 °C. These interesting new bamboos were collected by the English collector Keith Rushforth, mostly in winter dry upland areas of Tibet. Because most of the species names are not sure so far, they are provisionally named by initials "KR" of the collector and a collecting number. Most of them are Fargesias (or Borindas as the English botanist Chris Stapleton describes them)
In warmer and dry climats the KR types are sensitive to mealy bugs and difficult to cultivate.
Some of them are ornamental plants.
 Fansipan seedling of KR 3032.  (picture above left and right)   (Collected at 2700 m.) Culms till 4 cm diameter.  This is surely not a Fargesia, The leaves resembles Pseudosasa japonica. Very interesting for a suitable climate.
Height till 5 m.  sun till shadow   Hardy between -10 /-15°C
Down here my best KR selection.
KR 4175 (als: aff. Papyrifera) (picture above left) Does not belong to F.nitida and ia also not a F. papyrifera. The name Fargesia similaris is suggested by Demoly. Handsome, promising and very hardy. Collected in Yunnan 3225 m.
Height 3-7 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-22°C or more.
KR 5287 (picture above right)Tibet Kyikar, 3500 m. This handsome bamboo has thicker blue culms that grow well upright. Survived minus 17°C. One of the most ornamental bamboos of the KR group.
Height 3-6 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
KR 5177  Collected as Borinda macclureana.  Grows somewhat disorderly.       
Height 3-7 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C or more.

KR 5288 Tibet Kyikar, 3800 m.(= Borinda species) Survived well minus 19 °C. In the USA it is called ‘Willow’ .
Height 3-5 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
KR 5913  (As F. grossa?) Tibet 2950 m. Survived well minus - 21°C in Germany.
Height 3-5 m.   half shadow   hardy between -18/-22
KR 6438 (picture above left) (Grex) The young bamboo culms are blue white. It survived well minus 19° C but without leaves.
Height 4-7 m.+   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
KR 6791 Collected from a mother plant of 13 m. tall. Unfortunately not the hardiest.
Height: 5-8 m.+   alf shadow till shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
KR 7613 (picture above right) ( Collected as F. papyrifera KR 7613) ) Is more hardy than F. papyrifera 'Stapleton 1046' but probably belongs to another species. Thick blue white young canes. Sensitive to mealy bugs
Height 4-7 m.+   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
Hibanobambusa tranquillans  Bamboo with big green leaves.
Height 3-4 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
-tranquillans f. Shiroshima (picture above left)  Big leaves with yellow, white and green stripes.
Height 2-4 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -15/-20°CC
Himalayacalamus asper (picture above right)  Strong bamboo with graceful smal leaves.
Height 2-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between 0/-8°C
-cupreus (Kerhet) See: Drepanostachyum merretii (Kerhet) .
 -falconeri 'Damarapa' 
see: Drepanostachyum falconeri 'Damarapa' 
Himalayacalamus hookerianus (picture above left) Blue young culms,upright growt. Very beautiful when the climat ok.
It started to flower in 2022. Seedling available.
Height 3-8 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between 0/-8°C
-intermedius (see: Yushania boliana - Demoly)  (picture above right) Handsome bamboo that tolerates sun very well.
Height 3-8 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C°C
-porcatus (picture down left)Looks like  H. hookerianus.
Height 3-8 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between 0/-8°C
Indocalamus herklotsii (picture above right)  Strong and handsome species with big deep green leaves. .
Height till 2 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -20/-25°C
-latifolius 'Hopei' Bigger form.
Height till 2-3 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -20/-25
-tesselatus (picture down left)  Bamboo with very large leaves.
Height 1-2 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -20/-25°C
-tesselatus f. hamadae (syn. Pseudosasa hamadae) Can become higher than the others with even somewhat bigger leaves..
Height 2-3 m.+   till shadow   hardy between -20/-25°C
-shibateoides (picture above left) The leaves looks like Shibataea leaf.
Height till 2 till 3 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -12/-15°C
Olygostachium lubricum  Culms erect.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -12/-15°C
-sulcatum (picture above right) Very handsome bamboo with erect culms and graceful leaves. The picture was made in the park 'Bambous au Provence'.
Height 8 till 12 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-15
Phyllostachys acuta (Herman)
Height 6-8 m.  sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-angusta Culms erect. A to much a neglected bamboo!.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-arcana 'Luteosulcata' One of the best varieties with deep green culms and a beautiful contrasting yellow sulcus. Survived flowering and will be flowerfree for a long period.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-atrovaginata  (picture above right)  Typical incense smell when rubbed. One of the best and hardiest species with thicker very erect culms. With air channels in the rhizomes and culms. With that the plant can survive in the water for some time.
Height 6-10 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-aurea (picture down right)  Shortened internodes at the base of the stiff erect stems. Needs a protected place.
The varieties below here are very decorative.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -14/-16°C
-aurea 'Albovariegata' White variegated form (new)
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -14/-16
Phyllostachys aurea 'Eyaragues' (picture down left)  Old name 'Albovariegata Bernard'. Even more variegated than aurea 'Albovariegata' . This mutation is found in a green plant.   Available again in 2025
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -14/-16°C
-aurea 'Flavescens Inversa' With deep yellow sulcus.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -14/-16°C
-aurea 'Holochrysa' The young yellowish green culms colors to yellow.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -14/-16°C
-aurea 'Koi' (picture above left)  Like "Holochrysa" but with a green sulcus. Very decorative.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -14/-16°C Probably more for this clone.
Phyllostachys aureosulcata (picture above right)  Olive green culms with on the flat side a yellow stripe. Some culms have a swung at the base. For a colder climate this species (+ varieties) is recommended.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-aureosulcata f. Alata (Phyll. pekingensis) The green form.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-aureosulcata 'Aureocaulis' (picture down right) Beautiful color contrast between the deep yellow canes and the small green leaves. The canes get often a reddish haze in the sun. Some leaves are striped cream. In our climate the best variety with yellow culms .
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23
Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Argus' (picture down left)  Like "Spectabilis" but with more green stripes on the yellow-green canes. Ornamental.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-aureosulcata 'Harbin' Variety with yellow, grooved stripes. Discovered in the U.S. Smaller leaves and more compact growth. Not a healthy plant.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-aureosulcata 'Harbin inversa' (picture above right)  Similar to Phyll. aureosulcata 'Aureocaulis ", but with thin green lines in small grooves around the cane. Decorative.
Height 6-7 m. sun till half shadow hardy between -20/-23
Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Spectabilis'  (picture above right)  The sulfur yellow culms have a decorative green sulcus. One of the best and useful species for our climate.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-aurita Looks like Phyll. rubromarginata.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-bambusoides  A big species in China and Japan but in Holland it is frost sensitive.
Height in our climate 6-7 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C
-bambusoides 'Albovariegata' (picture down left)  Red Rose new shoots. First leaves are white to copper colored with thin green stripes. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height in our climate 6-7 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C
-bambusoides 'Castillonis' In flower! The "Castillonis" flowering cycle is not clonal related with the other Phyllostachys bambusoides forms.
-bambusoides 'Castillonis-inversa'  Green culms with yellow sulcus. Has a different flowering cycle that is not clonal related
with Castillonis.
Height  in our climate 6-7 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C
-bambusoides 'Holochrysa' Deep Yellow culms.
Height in our climate 4-6 m.+.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C
-bambusoides f. lacrima-deae Canes with brown spots in a warmer climate.
Height in our climate 4-6 m. +  sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C ( -20°C)
-bambusoides 'Marliacea' Culms with thin grooves.
Height in our climate 4-6 m. +  sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18
Phyllostachys bissetii (picture above right) Green to yellow-green canes and dark green arched leaf. Important and strong bamboo with many uses. One of the hardiest Phyllostachys to make a screen.
Height 6-7 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-bissetii 'Dwarf'  Smaller, form from the USA.
Height 3-4 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-circumpilis? Looks like Ph. nuda but is smaller and has broader leaves. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 1-2 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-concava  (picture down left)   Young erect canes are white powdered. Graceful small leaves.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23
Phyllostachus decora  (picture down left)  Striking pink striped shoots in late spring. Strong erect bamboo.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-edulis 'Bokrijk' (picture above right)  In the Belgian arboretum Bokrijk after the severe winter of 1996-1997 were planted approximately 20 seedlings of this species. The winter of 2009/2010 was also so severe in Bokrijk that even Semiarundinaria fastuosa, who stood beside and most of these Phyllostachys edulis seedlings were frozen back to the ground. Only one Phyllostachys edulis seedling survived this winter and also the next two severe winters without damage. This exceptional seedling (it was named by the Botanical Garden: Phyllostachys edulis 'Bokrijk') got new culms with a diameter of nearly 7 cm and a height of 8-9 meters. hardy between -16/-20°C  Available in 2025 again.
Phyllostachys edulis
(syn: heterocycla f. pubescens) (Ph. pubescens) In China and Japan this is the most planted species for canes and bamboo shoots. In the middle of Europe it is generally not hardy enough but in southern Europe under good circumstancesit can each this 20 m. Some people are looking for better klones for the middle of Europe and will probably aleady have them.  
sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-16°C Seedling that will have big leaves are even more tender for several years.
Note: Like all Phyll. edulis (also "Bokrijk") is not an easy bamboo in the climate of middle European and need a lot of precise circumstances to grow well.
-edulis 'Okina'
A smaller variegated form.
Height 6-8 m.+ in Southern Europe.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-16°C
Surely one of the most elegant Phyllostachys.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -15/-20°C
-flexuosa 'Kimmei'
Colorful but weak seedling from the USA.(Ned) Seedling.
Height 1-2 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20
Phyllostachys flexuosa 'Kimmei-inversa' (picture above right)  (Cornelia d'Alba) A stronger seedling sometimes with variegation but also can be green.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20
Phyllostachys fimbriligula  Strong growing bamboo with thick, erect canes. Recovered from flowering in 1997.
Height 5-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-glauca Young canes are blue white.
Height 6-8 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-glauca 'Yunzhu'   Many plants are in flower.
-glauca var. variabilis Available.
Height 6-8 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-heterocycla f. pubescens zie Ph. edulis.
Height 4-6 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-hispida (picture above right)  Dwarf Phyllostachys. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 1-2 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-humilis (picture above left) This reasonable upright growing graceful bamboo with narrow shiny green leaves.
Height  3-5 m.+ sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-incarnata (Herman) After many attempts finally the real species. Deep green canes and pretty young shoots.
Height 6-8 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21
-iridescens (picture above left) The canes have  green to purple stripes.
Height 6-10 m.+   sun till half shadow  hardy between -18/-21
-iridescens 'Holochrysa'
 (picture above right in my garden after 3 years).  The canes are yellow with a green haze with sometimes purple stripes. This fast growing bamboo with thick canes needs space and is very ornametal.
Height 6-10 m.+   sun till half shadow  hardy between -18/-21°C
-iridescens 'Heterochroma' (picture down left in my garden after 3 years)   Beautiful colored  yellow culms with a green sulcus and sometimes the typical iridescens stripes. Bamboo of the year 2024 in Germany. This fast growing bamboo with thick canes needs space and is very ornametal
Height 6-10 m.+   sun till half shadow  hardy between -18/-21°C
- kwangsiensis 'Bokrijk'  (picture above right) This hardy, very vigorous species with hairy culms ( like Phyll. edulis) started flowering in many places  in 2010. That clone survived flowering in the Botanical garden of Bokrijk in Belgium and will be free of flowering for at least 60 years.
This is the best clone in the middle of Europe to invest in the future if biomass is your item.
With space, fertile soil and sufficient water, 1 plant can reach a diameter of 20 meters or more and grow 10 meters+ high within 5 to 10 years.
There is another clone in Belgium (Koen) that did not flower till now and plants produced out of this line are not certain to have such a long future. Mixing up these two is risky and if flowering takes place it is surely not the  kwangsiensis 'Bokrijk".
If this bamboo ever goes in vitro, the growth properties are no longer certain.

Height 6-12 m.+  sun till half shadow,  hardy between -20/-23°C 
- lithophylla (as sp. Shanghai 1) Vigorous and strong growing. Deep green and upright canes.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow    hardy between -16/-20
Many of the forms of Phyllostachys nigra  (picture down left) are in a flowering mood. Now it is uncertain if a mass flowering in the whole nigra-group will start or that just a part will flower.
Many of the black Phyllostachys nigra are flowering now and also Phyllostachys nigra "Henonis" in Japan and in many places in Europe. There are also rapports of Phyllostachys nigra "Boryana" and "Megurochiku" in flower.

For this reason we stopped selling the nigra bamboos already in spring 2023.
Phyllostachys nigra
(picture above left)  The canes change after 1 or 2 years in the sun from green into black. This bamboo has small glossy leaves and hanging branches.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-nigra 'Boryana' (picture above right) With brown spots. (Up to 12 m. in Arboretum Bokrijk)
Height 6-10 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-nigra 'Hale' Changes color to deep black fast and is supposed be more hardy than ordinary Phyll. nigra.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-nigra 'Henonis' One of the most beautiful higher bamboos. Somewhat overhanging yellow green stems with small leaves.
Height 6-10 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20
Phyllostachys nigra 'Kiyoshi' (picture above right and down left. picture Noah Bell) Bizarre plant that I have recently got from Noah Bell from 'Bamboo Garden'. Some leaves are variegated and some culms are green yellow with green lines. Other canes have brown speckles. It was a gift from Mr. Kiyoshi to 'Bamboo Garden. Height 6-10 meters  sun till half shadow, hardy between -16/-20°C. This beautiful bamboo is for sale to gamblers at their own risk. See 'New'.

-nigra 'Muchisasa' Introduction from the USA. Has brown black speckled canes.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C.

-nigra 'Othello' Change fast into deep black.
Height 3-5 m.  sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C


  Deep green culms with prominent white ring. Very hardy.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
nuda 'Localis'  Brown color at the base of mature canes.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23
Phyllostachys parvifolia (picture above right)  Striking and very hardy giant with small glossy leaves, thick canes with white rings. It is the best choice in giant bamboos for colder regions.
Height 6-10 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-praecox 'Viridisulcata Hangzhou'  Yellow culms and green sulcus. Difficult. Not in propagation.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -14/-16°C
-primotina (Herman) The status of the species name "primotina" is unclear. This plant could be a subspecies Phyll. incarnata.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21
Phyllostachys prominens (picture above left)  Strong grower with very thick erect culms and prominent rings. Resembles Ph. dulcis and is certainly related. Rare in cultivation now.
Height 6-8 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-20°C
-propinqua 'Langinosa' Introduced with the name Ph. propinqua "Hangzhou" by Kimmei. Young culms are powdered.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-rivalis Waterbamboo. Upright growing dwarf with airchannels and suiteble for more or less wet soil.  In test.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21
-rubromarginata  Culms erect and resistant to dry winds.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-rubromarginata 'Big form' (= Ph. rubicunda) flowered but survived. For sale again ! Will not flower within 60 years.
Height 7-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-rubicunda 'Goldrush'  Many leaves have yellow stripes. We dicovered this mutation in the garden of Hans Prins.
 Will not flower within 60 years.
 Height 7-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21
-rutila  Glossy leaves.
Height 5-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-sp. Kew  (picture above right) (Hummel) In the botanical gardens of Kew this bamboo became a giant. Previously hosted by Phyll. vivax, later by Phyll. dulcis and also by Phyll. prominens. White new shoots.
Height 6-8 m.+ sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21
Phyllostachys sp. Shanghai 3 (picture above right) Impressive bamboo with thick green culms and lush deep green leaves. This type is difficult to classify but is related to Phyll. dulcis. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 6-8 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-sp. Shanghai 4  Different clone with probably an even better hardiness and very thick culms. This species is closely related to Ph. dulcis and Shanghai 3
Height 6-10 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-22°C
-tianmuensis (picture above left) Some canes can have a pale yellow sulcus or yellow stripes. Related to Ph. praecox. Becomes adult very quick. Good edible shoots. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 6-8 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-varioauriculata  Beautiful small Pyllostachys with erect graceful culms. To create a real mini bamboo forest.
Height 2-4 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-violascens  Probably a form of Phyll. praecox. Thick canes has violet stripes.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-violascens 'Aureosulcata' (Kerhet) Green canes with violet stripes and with yellow sulcus. Discoverd by Robert Kernet in his Phyll. violascens.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-virella  Green culms with incense fragrance. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow hardy   between 20/-23°C
-vivax 'Black Spot' (syn. 'Basinigra') Should have dark brown spots on older culms such as Ph. bamb."Tanakae. In my garden this bamboo never had shown brown spots. The origine is the plant in "Bamboo Garden" near Portland. Only one part of the plant in Portland has these spots. The part that I got was only green.
Height 6-10 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C  Not for sale.
Phyllostachys vivax 'McClure'  Direct reproduction of the Ph. vivax imported in the USA by McClure. One of the fastest maturing high species with thick bamboo culms. The rather large leaves hang down a bit.
Height 6-15 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-vivax 'Aureocaulis' (picture above left)  The most striking higher bamboo. The thick yellow culms often have irregular bright green stripes. Many times the "Huanwenzhu" and sometime green 'McClure' shoots appears.
Height 6-15 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-vivax 'Huanwenzhu' (picture above right)  Stable impressive variety with green culms and yellow sulcus.
Height 6-15 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-vivax 'Huanwenzhu inversa' (picture down left)  Stable mutation out of Phyll. vivax 'Aureocaulis. Discovert and named by Hans Prins and Kimmei. The yellow culms have a green sulcus. In Belgium one cane had a diameter of 10.6 cm.
Bamboo of the year in Germany 2014.
Height 6-15 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21
Pleioblastus altiligulatus  Erect canes. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-15°C
-amarus 'Hangzhouensis'  Erect growth with thicker canes.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-argenteostriatus albostriatus  Variegated leaves.
Height 1-2 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-argenteostriatus 'Kimmei' (picture down left)  With bright yellow lines on the leaves.
Height 1-2 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-chino f. Angustifolius (picture above right)  With fine white stripes on the leaves.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20
Pleioblastus chino hisauchii (picture down left)  In flower!
-chino 'Kimmei'  Leaves with yellow stripes.
-chino 'Murakamianus' (picture down right)  Leaves with white stripes. Reintroduction of USA .
Height 1-2 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-chino 'Variegata' (picture above right)  (syn. Pl. elegantisimus)  Narrow leaves with white stripes.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -16/-20
Pleioblastus fortunei (picture down left)  White-green striped leaves. Above the ground frost sensitive.
Height 0.5-1 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-gramineus  Chinese origin with narrow grass-like leaves. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-sp. Prafrance, named uncorrect Pl. hindsii. A giant from Prafrance. Resembles Pleioblastus chino hisauchii but can become much bigger.
Height 5-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-maculosoides Not very hardy. Introduced by Kimmei.
Hardy between -8/-15
Pleioblastus maculatus (picture down left)  Erect taller culms with a diameter of 3 till 4 cm or more. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 4-6 m. sun till half shadow hardy between -18/-21°C
-oleosus Graceful bamboo. Behaves usual as a not running species.
Height 4-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-pygmaeus 'Minimumus' (picture above right) One of the most graceful small hardy bamboo.
Height 0.3-0,5 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-shibuyanus 'Tsuboi'  Variegated species with white stripes.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21
Pleioblastus simonii 'Variegatus' (picture down left) Handsome variegated leaves..
Height 2-3 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-viridi-striatus (Ar. auricoma) The sulfur yellow leaves have some green stripes.
Height 0.6-1 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-viridi-striatus'Chrysophyllus' (picture above right) The sulfur yellow leaves have no green stripes.
Height 0.6-1 m.   half shadow till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
Pseudosasa amabilis var tenuis Upright culms. "Tonkin' bamboo.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-12°C
-amabilis (Stefane) Probably more hardy. In test.
-japonica (picture above right)  Well known large-leaved species with upright culms. Arrow bamboo.
Height 3-5 m. sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-japonica 'Akebono' en -japonica 'Akeb. Suji' One plant with two forms. 'Akebono' has green leaves that ends in white, "Akebona Suji" has variegated leaves.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-18°C
-japonica 'Tsutsumiana' The base of the culms is swollen. Smaller than Ps. japonica with smaller leaves.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-20°C
-viridula (syn: Ps. pleioblastoides) Stronger growing than Pseudosasa japonica.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C
-sp. Charles (picture down left) Very interesting upright growing bamboo that looks like Sem. fastuosa but it is more graceful.
Height 5-8 m. +?   sun to shade   hardy -15 / -18
Sasa kurilensis (picture down left) The most northern growing bamboo. This invasive form has a remarkably broad shiny leaves. Excellent ground cover for bigger places.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-kurilensis 'Shimofiuri' (picture down right)  The leaves has fine white lines. A weaker grower.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-kurilensis 'Kiakebono' (picture above right) The leaves has some yellow variegation in the spring.
Height 2 m.+   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-megalophylla (A. Turtle) Beautiful large rounded leaves.
Height 2-3 m.  sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-nipponica The leaf edges dry during the late autumn.
Height 0,8-1 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -20/-23
Sasa palmata f. Nebulosa in "Jardin jungle Karlostachys (picture down right)  Bamboo with large leaves. For larger spaces.
Height 2-3 m.  sun till shadow hardy between -15/-18°C
-veitchii  (picture down left)  The leaf edges dry in to white during the late autumn. 
Height 2 m. +  sun till shadow   hardy between -15/-18
Sasaella masamuneana  Green and rather big leaves.
Height 1-2 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-masamuneana 'Albo-striata' (picture down right)  Cream and white striped leaves. Excellent evergreen and ornamental.
Height 1-2 m.   sun till shadow   hardy between -18/-21
Semiarundinaria fastuosa (picture down right)  The erect culms stands close together and get a purple glow in the sun.
In some stand an unknown illness appeared that made the culms die back. Not for sale anymore.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-20°C
-fortis (Adam Turtle) Introduction USA.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-20°C
-sinica  (picture above left)  The erect culms of this Chinese species are growing a bit wider appart than the look alike Semiarundinaria fastuosa.
Height 6-8 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-20°C   (maybe more)

-sp 'Red Fall' Introduction USA. Upright. The culms can get a red glow in the autumn sun.
Height 4-7 m.   sun till shadow   hardy till -18
Semiarundinaria viridis (picture above right and down left) A bit more hardy than Sem. fastuosa and a little less tall. This is a healthy plant with deep green leaves. Usefull for opright growing hedges.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow    hardy between -18/-21
Semiarundinaria viridis (American clone) USA Turtle. Differs from the European Sem. viridis.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-21°C
-yashadake Erect culms.
Height 4-6 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-20°C
-yashadake 'Kimmei' (picture above right) Yellow culms with green sulcus
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C
-yashadake 'Gimmei'
Green culms with yellow sulcus. Available
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18
Shibataea k
umasaca (picture above left)  Short round leaves.
Height 1-2 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
-nanpingensis (picture above right) The leaves are deeper green than Shib. kumasaca
Height 1-2 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -20/-23°C
 CSP. 'NB2012' Available
-strigosa  Available
Sinobambusa intermedia (picture above left and right)  (from Ned Jaquit) Beautiful newer erect growing species. New stems are powdered white. In my garden it performes as a not running bamboo but in other garden it can behave different.. (from Ned Jaquit). This species is more hardy than supposed. Available.
Height 6-7 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -18/-20°C+
-rubroligula `Bicolor` Yellow canes with a green sulcis.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-15
-tootsik 'Variegata' (picture down left)  White variegated leaves. Upright growth habit.
Height 6-7 m.  sun till half shadow   hardy between -10/-12°C
-tootsik var. laeta (Mcclure) Green form.
Height 6-7 m.  sun till half shadow   hardy between -10/-12
-sichuanensis (syn. Monstuocalamus s.) Upright species.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-15°C
Thamnocalamus tesselatus South African mountain bamboo.
Height 3-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18
Yushania angustifolia  (picture above right)  (as Yushania sp. ferax?) (see: Ornamental Bamboos in China). One of the most ornamental bamboos I know. Strong growing seedlings available.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C
Yushania boliana  (picture down right)  (Demoly) (syn: Himalayacalamus intermedius) Very impressive ornamental bamboo that can stand the sun. Picture taken in Prafrance.
Height 4-8 m. (10 m.)   sun till half shadow   hardy between -8/-15°C
-chungii (syn: Y. brevipaniculata) Young shoots have a twisted top.
Height 2-3 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C
-chungii 'Wolong' (picture down left) This striking bamboo has small and elegant leaves. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 2-3 m.+   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18
Yushania maculata (picture down left)  (Tung Chuan 4)  With beautiful blue young shoots and ornamental leaves.
Height 2-4 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-18°C
-nitakayamensis From the high mountais of Taiwan. Strong growing seedlings available
Height 2-5 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-15°C
-polytricha (Tom) Newer species.
Height 2-3 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-15°C
-sp. Ness KR7698 Looks like Yunnan 95 5 !? With glossy small leaves.
Height 1-2 m.   sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-15°C
-shangrilaensis see in 'New'
  (picture down right)
Yushania velutina (picture down left) See in 'New' and Fargesia nivalis.
-Yunnan 95 5 (picture down left)  Half climbing Yushania with small leaves and thin culms. Introduced by Kimmei.
Height 2-3 m.  sun till half shadow   hardy between -12/-15
About the name of some species collected in 1995 in Yunnan is still no clarity. For the milder areas on the west coast of Europe and the USA these types of a great asset. (The second name comes from Botanical Garden of Shanghai. The name with ‘Stapleton’ are proposed by Chris Stapleton.) All introduced by Kimmei.
Yunnan 95 1 (Received as Farg. lushuiensis) Borinda albocerea (Stapleton). Not in my collection anymore.
Yunnan 95 2 (Received as F. papyrifera ) Borinda albocerea) see: Fargesia albocerea
Yunnan 95 3a (as F. albocerea) Unknown species.
Height 3-5 meter sun till half shadow hardy between -12/-15°C
Yunnan 95 3b (as Farg. albocerea) Hairy sheaths. Demoly suggested a hybride between Fargesia albocerea and Fargesia papyrifera. Mike bell suggested Borinda solida and the book 'Ornamental Bamboos in China' shows this species as Fargesia solidus. Unfortunately out of my collection.
Yunnan 95 3c Borinda nujiangensis (Stapleton) see: Fargesia nujiangensis
Yunnan 95 4 (Received as Farg. edulis) Borinda lushuiensis (Stapleton) see: Farg. lushuiensis
Yunnan 95 5 zie: Yushania Yunnan 95 5
Yunnan 95 6 see: Fargesia communis. Probably this is not Farg. perlonga.

Under 'New'  (  you can find the more recent new species
Left: Phyllostachys rubicunda 'Goldrush'                           Right: Fargesia rufa  variegated form
Left: Sasa kurilensis Striped. Not stable.                                Right: Fargesia scabrida 'Silver Dragon' (picture: Noah Bell)